Friday, March 7, 2014

Little Oily Miracles ~ Hair Care

So, since I'm sick and stuck inside my house, I've decided to do a post about hair care and what I usually do to take care of my hair.
Recently, I've made a post about coconut oil, I've been using it once a week or a couple of weeks, it depends, if I see that my hair is falling a little bit more I use it. And it's been working quite good. I can see new hairs growing! They are about 1cm long, I'm really happy about it.
I don't have hair loss issues but my hair was bleached, so it's not as strong as usual and it falls A LOT.
Now I have been trying castor oil, pure, the texture it's a lot like honey so I will have dilute it with other oil.
I'm still studying the options but once I get to know this oil better I will probably sell oil blends for different types of hair and uses!
I was thinking about doing a macassar oil recreatition, which was used to style the hair in the Victorian Era. I thought also about doing an oil to hair growth (as pure as it can get!), another one for hair growth but to everyday use, for grooming or brushing, you choose. Another one for dry hair, that would be a mixture of coconut oil with vitamin E oil. Also one for brittle hair that would be to use weekly like hair mask. I have so many ideas and oils! And if you are lucky enough to have your hair in good shape, you can also get jasmin scented oil to help while brushing your hair, or almond oil!
I am looking forward to try them all and start selling them. The price range would be as low as possible, but keep in mind that I only buy bio oils and man, they are PURE.
The stuff you see in the supermarket has a lot of alcohol and things your hair doesn't need and that can possibly harm it. I mean, why would you spray oil into your hair? That sounds really strange, don't you think? Oil should be oil, not a liquid that evaporates easily > ALCOHOL ALERT
And trust me, you don't want alcohol in your hair, unless you want to ruin it.

Questions you should be asking:

Why do you want to sell oils?
I want to sell oils not just because I need money, but because I want to share their amazingness!
I just graduated and I can't find a proper job so I'm hoping that my necklaces and oils sell enough for me to get a little bit of money. Also, I love doing stuff like this, I would love to see people using the things I've made, and that I do with so much love and care. I guess nowadays you have to do things for love and not for money, otherwise, you get really miserable and unhappy.

What makes those oils better than the ones at the supermarket?
My oils are pure and bio, they are from India and the UK. They have nothing added, Vitamin E is the only thing I will add and that acts as a preserver. And that's pretty much the only thing they need. My oils have a good shelf duration, as long as you proper storage them. They don't like the sunlight or extreme heat, you can leave them in your fridge if you want. But beware, they also are sensite to temperature changes, so it's better if you leave them at a cool and dark place.

What about the price? How much would they cost?
The price range really depends on the price I got the oil, jojoba oil is really expensive comparing to coconut oil for example. I will have that in mind and also the price for the containers of the oil, they are already on its way. And guess what, they have a pump! Since I've been using oils on my hair the thing that really bugged me was the way they came, in a syrup container. You have to put everything in your hand before you put it in your hair and it gets really messy. So, yeah, pump it's a REALLY good option to avoid getting messy.
Anyway, back to the price, I'm thinking that the most expensive oil (macassar recreation) would be like 12,5€ for 50ml which isn't much for a pure bio, undiluted, oil and without the harming stuff most serums/oils have nowadays.

Do they really work?
HELL YES! Otherwise I wouldn't start this oily quest to bring the best oils and oil blends to you!
I have been trying all of them before I start to sell them, I am selling stuff I know it works.
If you are not convinced you can do a google search about the oils.
I will talk about each one of them in a future post, I just need to know which ones to start.
And remember, all of my oils can be used in your skin also. The ones for hair growth can be used in your eyebrows too! And eyelashes, the best thing, they do really make a difference and you will notice once you use them!

*EDIT* So, how do you use the oils in you hair?
I explained my routine in the post about coconut oil, but now I've been also adding castor oil to my hairline. And I leave it overnight as usual. You can also use coconut oil to groom your hair, just by adding a few drops of oil to your ends and lenght, it works as a heat protector and prevents split ends.

And, please, please leave a comment telling me what types of oils you would want and how much you would be willing to pay for them. I really need some feedback on this.
Thank you!