Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Macassar Oil

Well, you can guess what this post is about.
Yes! Macassar Oil, we will be selling it soon at our online store so I decided to talk a little bit more about this liquid gold for your hair.

If you read my blog you know how I feel about coconut oil for your hair, now, If you like the Victorian Era as I do, well it's your lucky day.
Because *drum rolls*
I will be selling a recreation of Macassar oil!
Macassar oil was used in the Victorian and Edwardian times as a hair conditioner. It was used to style locks and keep the hair shiny.
This oil is named after the port of Makassar in Indonesia.

The fragrance of the oil is very important, do you like Chanel nº5? Great! Because the smell of the oil is very similar. And the benefits?
Well in aromatherapy Ylang Ylang is know for its soothing effect, it helps with stress, anxiety and depression. And since this essential oil is highly balancing it will sort out overly dried skin and oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum. You can see cleary the benefits this has in your scalp, right? It will promote a luxurious hair growth!

Even if you don't want your hair as long as this one, Macassar Oil will surely help your hair growth.
Do you love the Victorian Era and do you want to spoil your hair?
So... What are you waiting for?
Our oil is 100% organic and PURE! Only the best quality of coconut oil and ylang ylang essential oil.
You won't regret it ;)
Our oir also uses as top notes bergamot and rosemary.
Pro tips:
You can add a few drops to your hairmask
It's great not only for your hair but your skin and easily absorved, It won't let your hair oily or greasy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Facebook Page!

Well, guess what?
I have a facebook page to sell my stuff.
Second hand and crafts. Oh boy!
Feel free to like my page.
I will be doing a giveaway as soon as I can, for bloggers and at facebook too.
Stay tuned

Homemade Hairmasks ~ Recipes

Today I will talk about my homemade hairmasks. If you like to spoil your hair like I do, I'm sure you will enjoy.
Have you ever felt like your hair needed moisture and you are in desperately need for a hair mask? But Alas! You don't have money to buy one right now. Or you really just want to go natural.
I'm giving you a solution.
I usually mix some of my conditioner with the masks, but you don't really need to do that. Also, organic stuff will work better.
With everymask what you have to do is mix everything and put on your hair (you can apply it on your hair while wet, I don't do that though), I would recommend you to leave the mask for 20m in the first application since every hair is different and will react accordingly to that. If don't see a great improvement leave it for a little more time next time. Also, use a shower cap.
Remember one thing, my hair is medium and I have lots of it, so if you have long hair double the amount of ingredients and if you have short hair use only half.
And don't rinse the hairmasks with warm water but with diluted shampoo. After you do that, you can rinse it like you do when you wash your hair.

Honey Goodness
1. Honey and Cinnamon exfoliator hairmask - My Favorite!
For oily hair, if you want to lighten it up;
This mask will remove impurities and will naturally lighten your hair, while moisturing it.

You will need:
4 tablespoons of honey
4 tablespoons of water
1 tablespoon of cinnamon

If you want, you can use apple cider vinegar instead of water if you have really oily hair

2. Honey and Olive Oil
For dry, damaged and dehydrating hair;
As you know, honey is really sticky so olive oil will loosen the honey. Olive oil will add extra moisture to you hair, while leaving it silky.

You will need:
3 tablespoons of honey
4 tablespoons of olive oil

3. Banana and honey
For thin damaged hair;
The potassium present in bananas makes your hair stronger without weighing it down

You will need:
1 ripe banana
2 tablespoons of honey
You have to use a blender for this one, mix the two ingredients until you have a liquified mixture without no chunks, unless you want your hair with banana chuncks for the rest of the day.

4. Milk and Honey
For all types of hair;
This is an easy way for your hair to absorve all the moisture and benefits honey have

You will need:
A cup of milk
2 tablespoons of honey
You can use warm milk and then rinse this mask with cold water.

Things you would usually eat
1. Eggs
For all the types of hair;
adds shine and boosts your natural hair color.
You just have to beat the eggs and put them on your hair, very simple. I recommend to use this mask only once a month.
Or, you use the egg yolks if your hair is dry and needs a lot of moisture. And if you have oily hair like me, use only the egg whites. This ones you can use a couple of times per month or more.

2. Mayo
If you want shiny hair;
Mayo has an oily base so your hair will get really moisturized
This one is really simple, just rub mayo all over your hair. Your hair should be damp when you do this.
For an extra boost add an egg, or only the yolk or only the white. Your choice!

3. Natural Yogurt
For normal to oily hair;
Yogurt moistures your hair but at the same time washes away the excess of oil in the scalp
Just like mayo, rub it all over your hair. You can add a couple of tablespoons of honey and apple cider vinegar for a boost.

4. Avocado
For dry, brittle hair;
Avocado has great moisturizing properties and will make your dull hair alive again!

You will need:
One half of a ripe avocado
1 tablespoon of olive oil
4 tablespoons of milk

Blend, blend and blend. You should get a creamy mixture, don't put too much milk or else it will get really drippy.

* * *

And that's it for today!
Enjoy your new, all natural hair :)
I might do a post with tips to lighten you hair or with more hair treatments, I'm still not sure of what should I do first.
If you have any requests feel free to contact me.
And thanks for reading.